Wish for 2016


As the New Year dawns for 20 sixteen,

May you have renewed hope for the year yet unseen.


May each new day bring brilliant surprises,

Like the beauty and joy of glorious sunrises.


Connect with friends; the old and the new.

Cherish them both and hold them close to you.


Take time to savor life in each passing hour.

Feel the sun, taste the rain and smell every wildflower.


Treasure the moments with those you hold dear;

As those moments become more precious with each passing year.


Keep hoping and planning; keep dreaming new dreams.

Your achievements will always follow it seems.


As the year passes with each dawn anew,

May the good times be many, and sorrows be few.


If it can be, may our paths cross for a while …

But if not, know that I, often remember your smile.


So to each one of you, who I hold dear in my heart,

Remember as long as you’re there, we’ll not be apart.

© 2015 Trish Bee