Spirit of the Season

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Season’s Greetings
What is best
To express good will and glad tidings
To all during the holiday fest?

All a cordial sentiment
Extended with kindness and delight,
Delivered with a smile,
A gesture that seems lost these days
One many have not seen in a while.

Nothing appears beyond critique,
Not even a gentle heartfelt wish.
It seems every spoken thought or word
Is analyzed and torn apart
Before its even heard.

Divisiveness and discord
Are hijacking every joy and tradition
From the soul of the season,
This time of fellowship and wonder,
For really no good reason.

So tell me Merry Christmas
No matter my beliefs,
I smile and accept your salutation
Knowing the spirit in which it was sent,
Was not meant as intimidation.

Wish me Happy Holidays
Throughout this time of year,
I will wish you well as I go my way.
Please know that your kind thoughts
Will help me make it through the day.

And if you say Season’s Greetings
I perceive it in peace and unity;
Not animosity and strife.
For it is the season of love and harmony
That helps get us through this life.

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Season Greetings
Say them all with a heart that’s joyous,
For if we’re forced to monitor every word
We let the quibblers destroy us.

© Trish Breeds 2019