Celebrate your Fathers today,
Know that you are blessed
To have had a loving guiding protector,
That allowed your soul to rest.

To a girl without a Father,
Life lessons were hard learned.
Looking to fill that empty space
In a heart that always yearned.

Substitutes stepped in at times
With promises to love and protect,
But they always went their own way
and left a heart with reject.

I envied and I longed
For a Father to hold in times of need,
Offering comfort With his strong arms ~
In every word and deed.

Now I know, I always had a Father dear.
Present at every trial and turn, sending down his love;
Each time life’s journey overwhelmed,
He was watching from above.

Father’s Day, Yet I have none on earth to call my own,
But in heaven I have a wondrous One.
And I will see my Abba’s face,
When my days on earth are done.

15 June 2014

© Trish Breeds 2014

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