Poems and Prayers

Amateur poet but can any poetry be dismissed if it is inspired in one’s heart?

Love Growing Old

It was high up in the Rockies, the air was thin and cold. My brain may have of been a little numb, but my heart was already sold. On the life we’d have together, creating memories more valuable than gold. We shared our dreams and faced our fears, our commitment grew tenfold. As we clung … Continue reading Love Growing Old

Slowly Dying

A slow walkto an ultimate fateenjoy each momentheaven can wait Sadly witnessingshort trail to an endwalk with no hopecannot comprehend HelplessHopelessDiscouragedBroken Wishing to look awayWatching causes painHoping against hopeThis life to reclaim Trish B ©

For a Brother

Lord you know the trials this life brought Lord you know the love he sought Lord you know the wrong roads he walked Lord you know the wrong talk he talked Lord you know his soul and heart Lord you know the things that tore him apart Lord you know why he suffered so Lord … Continue reading For a Brother

Spirit of the Season

Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Season’s Greetings What is best To express good will and glad tidings To all during the holiday fest? All a cordial sentiment Extended with kindness and delight, Delivered with a smile, A gesture that seems lost these days One many have not seen in a while. Nothing appears beyond critique, Not … Continue reading Spirit of the Season

Smiles for my Mother

Smile I heard my mother say when I was sad and blue, A smile would make things better… but mommy, It is not possible without you. You were there in my sunshine, you held me in the rain. You carried my broken heart, until it was whole again. You were the one that knew me, … Continue reading Smiles for my Mother

The Star

When the star falls on Christmas night And the Christmas trimmings have left our sight, Try to hold onto the joy and love And peace that flows from the wings of a dove. When the world gets crazy at the turn of the new year, And dissent and anger brings doubt and fear, Draw from … Continue reading The Star


All the drama when you’re young, seems like nonsense when you’re old. All the battles that were worth fighting, can turn your dreams to mold. They seem so important when endless seem your days… …but you’ll regret when you’re older and your passion has lost its blaze. If only you could know, what the older … Continue reading Perception

Wish for 2016

As the New Year dawns for 20 sixteen, May you have renewed hope for the year yet unseen.   May each new day bring brilliant surprises, Like the beauty and joy of glorious sunrises.   Connect with friends; the old and the new. Cherish them both and hold them close to you.   Take time … Continue reading Wish for 2016


Celebrate your Fathers today, Know that you are blessed To have had a loving guiding protector, That allowed your soul to rest. To a girl without a Father, Life lessons were hard learned. Looking to fill that empty space In a heart that always yearned. Substitutes stepped in at times With promises to love and … Continue reading FATHERLESS

Mother of Three Sons

by Trish Breeds on Monday, 19 September 2011 at 17:07 For over forty-one years, I had a son with me. First one, then two, then one, two briefly and back to one. A total of three. They, all three, have never ceased to; Amaze me, puzzle me, surprise me; Love me. They’ve scared me, challenged … Continue reading Mother of Three Sons

A Mother’s Love

If a mother’s love could heal, No one would ever see A heart that’s aching for so long As I can see in thee. If a Mother’s heart could heal, The pain would say adieu The despair and grief would melt away. Your bright future would shine through. If a mother’s love could heal, Wounds … Continue reading A Mother’s Love

Who Am I?

I need a friendSomeone who caresWho understands meSomeone I can tellMy strange feeling toAnd can understand themBetter than I do What is my anger?This internal rage .Is it monotonyOr life’s daily cage?Why am I a squareWhen all holes are round?What are the meaningsOf life that I’ve never found? Why does life,Seem like an endless toll?Why … Continue reading Who Am I?

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