My Birthday 5783

This year, my birthday, and the holiday Rosh Hashanah fall on the same day. Rosh Hashanah, has several names, it is the Feast of Trumpets, the beginning of a new year in the Jewish faith, the head of the year, the birthday of the world, the celebration of creation and it is the beginning of the High Holy Days.

It is a time for reflection, recognizing ones failures and shortcomings of the previous year, repenting and beginning the new year afresh.

Unlike birthdays where we eat cake, traditionally honey and apples are served at Rosh Hashanah. They serve as a symbol of hope for a sweet year ahead. If you’ve never eaten an apple dipped in honey you are missing a very special treat.

I have written before how September was always a special month for me and a time of new beginning. For one, it is my birthday month and my age ticked up another year, it was also the start of a new school year which marked a new beginning. Later in life, much later, I learned it was also a time of new beginning in G-d’s timetable.

As I reflect on my year gone by, I see many things I regret but I also see ways I have grown. I see my reactions to the frustrations and heartaches around me and in the world and I want to look more positively on how I can make a difference and not just complain.

Of course birthday’s traditionally come with wishes. If I could wish for anything on my birthday and have wish come true, I would wish for world peace, I would wish for an end to hunger, the end of sorrow, the end of hate.

If all those wishes are too grandiose or difficult, alternatively, I could ask for a cure for cancer and disease, healing for those who are sick especially one so close to me and so young. I would wish that we all could “love our neighbors as ourselves” – and I would wish that this love could start in my heart, with me.

Shanah Tovah u’metukah! May this year of 5783 be a good and sweet year for us all.

Photo by Galina Nelyubova on Unsplash

The Queen

I was up at 3:30 am this morning, even earlier than my usual 4 am, having a cup of warm strong coffee and perusing through quick news on twitter when I see an announcement from Buckingham Palace regarding the Queen’s health.  I do think it is odd and rather ominous as I don’t recall seeing any such announcements in the past.  It was not long before all the news agencies picked up on it too and speculations were flying and reporting of her family making their way to Balmoral.

My heart sank, for two reasons.  One, thinking of her family because to us she has been “The Queen.,”  the queen my entire lifetime, but she is their mum and grandmother.  I think of my own recent loss of my mother and if this is the Queen’s time, I know the pain and heartache that is ahead for them over the next few hours and days.  After my mom died I found a brooch she had of a crown, I had never seen it before, but I kept it.  Today I put it on in honor of Queen Elizabeth and a reminder to think of her and her family.

Over the past few weeks in an effort to avoid the news on current events, I have been rewatching The Crown on Netflix.  Just a few weeks ago I watched the episode of her Coronation.  In that episode, it is infers that upon placing the crown on her head the Queen becomes part of the divine, she was anointed.  

So the second reason, my heart sank is that I was thinking of her life. The long reign that she has had, I realized that there may never be another that can fill her place. She is part of an generation that is no more. Part of the greatest generation, she was guided by great statesmen and led her nation through many changes.

As I write this, the announcement has just been made that Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II has passed.  She was the last of an era of devoted loyal servants.  Whether divine and or extraordinary woman… May she now rest in peace.