To Quote Jim Croce

“Guess that it was bound to happen… was just a matter of time.” However, unlike Jim, I am not referring to a broken relationship but to Covid-19. Both DrB and I tested positive today.

I had a long run of avoiding the C19, two and half years. I traveled during the peak infection periods to Texas many times as my mother’s health was failing. I flew to Texas in September of 2020, passengers were seated in every other seat, full masks for the five hour flight, no food and no Bloody Marys at 30,000 feet! The only alcohol was canned beer or canned wine and that only in first class. Talk about flying anxiety! I felt for those people who relied on that to calm their nerves. I went back in January 2021 when she was hospitalized again, I went on Mother’s Day and again a week later to say goodbye. All while infection rates were high but I remained healthy.

There has been so much controversy about this virus, its origins, the vaccines and the treatments. The firestorms surrounding these issues could leave one with their head spinning. What to believe, who to trust, what is the right decision? I struggle with all of these and more. I was apprehensive about getting the vaccine. I prayed about it. I had only ever gotten the flu shot once in my life and I got it in 2013 because I was caring for my ill and immune compromised son. However, I have never known someone who died from the flu; but sadly, I knew several that died from covid. For that reason, and because I would not want to pass the virus to my son, I opted to get the shot, (see my post “God’s Kiss,” March 2, 2021) and I got the second, and I got the first booster and I got the second booster.

Even though I did get the vaccine, I believed and still believe it is a personal choice. Unfortunately for some there was a price to pay. Deep down I feel natural immunity is superior, however to get to that point could be hazardous and with this virus it seems no one was assured of the outcome. Would it be a mild case or a harsh one? The vaccine, as well, had risks for some, would it be effective, would there be a bad reaction, could it cause deaths? So many unknowns.

Life is full of “unknowns” and the older I get the more apparent and real that fact becomes. I don’t know what the next minute, or hour or day will bring. The more I see in life the more I understand that so much, whether it be joy or sorrow is out of my control. I may control the little things but the state of the world, illness or good health, life and death, or the future — these things are not in my control (sorry to say but not in yours either). So live each day as it might be your last and look to the future as if you have years and years ahead of you. Come what may, life is a gift.

My future for the next five days is quarantined with DrB and as many know that is a challenge in itself and I should add, he told me there no need to discuss who brought this virus home, so I won’t. So far it is looking weak, just some congestion, cough and sore throat. I might just make it through with a mild case.

In the meantime remember, that person wearing a mask may be immune compromised or have a loved one that is, and the person without one feels confident and free. Those who chose the vaccine had good and valid reasons and those who did not have the same. They made their decisions based on their beliefs and both groups based their decisions on risks they are willing to take.

As always be kind to one another. Everybody is going through some silent trial and kindness can make a heavy trial considerably lighter.