New Year’s Day 2012

No not 2012, but 2022. In 2012 my thoughts, my pleas, my prayers were these …

The New Year is fast approaching ~ many of us see the new year as a new beginning, a time to reflect on our lives the past year and resolve to make changes, correct past mistakes, start over.

Tonight I’m thinking why wait every 365 days. I’m going to resolve to make everyday a new beginning; everyday as the sun sets I hope to be thankful for the blessings in my life, to forgive others, to forgive myself and ask for forgiveness for the wrongs I have done. I hope to go to sleep each night with a resolve to look at the new day as a new beginning and opportunity to grow and put the past behind me.

Ten years, it has always been the hope in my heart to live by this creed, I have not always succeeded but I start new every morning. Even so there is something sobering about the new year. A section of time with a beginning and an end. A section of time that records history, life and death and lays it out in 365 day blocks.

The holidays are over, the fireworks have started celebrating and welcoming the new year recorded as 2022. In ten years where will I be? I don’t know. As always, my hope and prayer remain that I see each day as a new beginning, that I count my blessings and fully trust God whatever each day brings.

December Down

Portions of this may sound like a bit of a rant but bear with me as I reflect on the past month — its joys and frustrations.

December, the last month of the year. Work is winding down but keeping track of the past year and all the accounting that goes with year end, is just gearing up. Looking around at the piles of filing and stacks of unrecorded transactions, I try to assess how much I can get done before my December schedule takes hold.

Ahh yes, this place I call home is a beautiful place but for all its beauty it has its downfalls. Home is located at the foot of the Cascade range in direct line with the opening of the Snoqualmie Pass, when the weather comes and the wind blows … the power goes out. I really don’t like the wind, I don’t mind breezes but the wind, with fearsome 50-70 mile an hour gusts, is terrifying. This year “the weather” really started at Thanksgiving and it came with great force. Fortunately or unfortunately, however you may look at it, the wind is usually the most fierce at night.

Fortunate, because you can’t see the 150 foot trees bowing against the force of the wind doing pirouettes in the sky. Unfortunate, because the big branches break off the trees, hit the house and leave me to wonder what is next as I lie in the dark and listen to the carnage. Then it happens, the power flickers once and comes back on, the adjustable bed deflates. I re-adjust the bed, the power flickers again and comes back on. Then it is off for the count, the power company estimates 8 hours. At dawn it is all over and a peek outside reveals what it looks like a war zone. Although, having never seen a war zone, it is really unfitting to use that comparison. Really I know how blessed I am to live in a land where war is not an evil we have at a our doorsteps.

No power, no catching up work today.

Continue December, granddaughter arrives for 4 day visit with sweet little great-granddaughter, Lily. Nine months old she is delighted as we the tour of the Lights of Christmas at Warm Beach (although not warm). I enjoyed the sweet cuddles, listening to her jabbering about everything that catches her eyes and staring at this new life that is a small part of me, the wonder of it all and the realization that I am now, however impossible it seems, the older generation.

I would have like to jump right back into work but was delayed by yet another storm and power outage. Well, life and plans go on. Next stop Hawaii, and sunshine.

Hawaii, lush green landscapes, beaches, the rhythmic white cap waves methodically rolling to shore and the roaring sound as they crash against the rocks. This particular place we stay is a waterfront condo and from the balcony, I look down and see turtles swimming among the rocks. I find the sound of the surf so calming and relaxing that I am up every morning at four to listen to peaceful swooshing of the waves washing to and fro. A few days in, the local reports are that there is a storm rolling in. After seeing their storm, I find I like Hawaii storms better than Washington storms.

The pièce de résistance of the Hawaii trip was the reunion I had with my lifelong friend. This reunion was neither planned nor orchestrated but a serendipitous event that reassured me that there are powers in control that love me and take joy in making me happy. No amount of planning could have created a better scenario. See my post “Old Friends.”.

Good things only last so long. We return home to Washington to freshly fallen snow. I spend three quick days at the office where a large amount of time is spent opening a mountain of mail, paying bills and payroll —- still no progress on those previously noted tasks and I still have not completed this month’s invoicing.

Not to be defeated yet, I package up all the files and my laptop and head home for Christmas break thinking I will get it done over the long weekend. I started off with very good intentions but the cold and continuing rain dampen my enthusiasm. Oh, I forgot to mention amid the storms and wind, it had been raining constantly since the end of October.

Christmas day came without much fanfare. The “virus,” with variants old and new, has kept caution at a never-ending level. Plus an overnight snow and freezing temperatures made the roads hazardous. Dear hubby smoked a turkey on his Traeger and we had a feast fit for an entire royal court, not just the King. It was, the first time in forty years, Chris and I had Christmas dinner just the two of us, alone.

Six days left until the end if the year and the Christmas snow just kept falling. Over the next 36 hours it fell until more than a foot of snow was on the ground. Amazon cancelled my Fresh grocery delivery (no way they’re gonna navigate these treacherous roads for my $75 worth of groceries). Not a problem as we have enough leftovers to last for many days.

Monday, December 27, not going into the office, I finally organize myself enough in my big nest to complete the first draft of the invoices with only short breaks to go out and take pictures of the snow. So beautiful and peaceful. Peaceful in a different way than the waves. Looking out over the pure white blanket of snow on the ground and the thick layers hanging in the trees coating each branch it seems all should be right in the world… no disease, no war, no sorrow.

More snow Tuesday morning and more expected Wednesday the 29th. Right, now I’m thinking what’s the bother of going in on Thursday because Friday the 31st is the final holiday of the season.

So there you have it, December Down. The year is quickly approaching its end and all those work things I had planned for December can now wait. They will still be here in 2022.

Finally, as I look out and admire the new snow on top of the old snow… as if it perfectly arranged by fate, the power flicks off again.

Christmas Memories

This sweet memory of my mom when I surprised her on Christmas day 2016 made me smile today. She didn’t recognize me at first… it was the first of many times over the next five years.

The more I watch it, the sweeter it becomes. It just shows you what a value you are to your aging parents and how seeing you is the joy of their lives.

The fact she didn’t recognize me, not even my voice, was a little sad but when she realizes it is me, it made the all night trip worth it. She laughed and laughed about it later that day. There is more video where we are talking through the door. She thought I was some church lady!!!

I love how prominent her Texas accent is when she says, “Oh my Lord! What are you doing here?” Then I hear her crying and it breaks my heart now although I know they were tears of joy.

In the new year remember if you have older parents that the roles in life have flipped. To world you may be somebody but somebody (your parents) you are their whole world.

Merry Christmas Mother. You always made the most decadent ambrosia at Christmas… oranges, cherries, coconut, and sugar. You always said it was the food of the gods. I wonder if you are enjoying it today with God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Old Friends

I don’t really have any “new friends” but I have different stages of “old friends”. I wonder if there is a time when you don’t make new friends? For sure with all the lock downs I haven’t made any new friends the past few years.

Some old friends are newer old friends… 20 years or so but when we met it seemed we had already known each other for many years.

My oldest friend has been through it all with me, she knows all my secrets and I know hers, we’ve done some really stupid things together, partying which often involved drinking too much; we held each other’s hands though births and divorce, illness and supported each other through the loss of our moms – we’ve laughed and cried.

This is Debbie – 45 years since we met in Denver. We’ve spent a lot of years apart and yet the times we are together we pick up where we left off and there is never a moment of awkward silence.

You know those times of serendipitous events that are really divine appointments that I wrote about before? Last week I was blessed with another one.

We were going to Hawaii for a pre-Christmas holiday. Two days before leaving, I opened a Christmas card from Debbie in it she said she was going to Hawaii as well. Our trips overlapped and we were on the same island in condos only one mile apart. We could not have planned it better if we tried.

We both really needed this time together. Four days, to just enjoy each others company, to laugh to reminisce about all of those crazy things we did when we were much younger. I have to say she remembers a lot of stuff I do not recall. Most things I would be ashamed to remember that I did.

My ex thought she was a bad influence on me but isn’t that the way it goes? The greatest friendships have a yin and yang combination. I married young and really had no wild and crazy side when we met; Debbie was a natural comic, quick and witty. I always would tell her that Rosanne had nothing compared to her.

My old friend, she is a fighter and she is a survivor. Six years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The bad one, but really they are all bad. During chemo and radiation her mother began to decline and she had to travel away from home to say a hard goodbye. Prayers are answered because after five years of treatment, she is cancer free.

So yes, every visit, every moment is that much more precious. We hugged and kissed, our hearts ached when we parted.

I was a girl scout and there is a scouting song that goes like this:

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.
A fire burns bright, it warms the heart. We’ve been friends, from the very start.
You have one hand, I have the other. Put them together, we have each other.
You help me and I’ll help you and together we will see it through.
Across the land, Across the sea; Friends forever we will always be ❤️

Debbie, you are my treasure. You are gold.