Birthdays and New Life

Birthdays and the accompanying wishes are designed to boost us into the new year recharging us with an overwhelming amount of love and encouragement. ~ trish

Another birthday gone by and as with many before I am bolstered with a happy heart full of love from all the love that has been poured into my life.

This year, I am especially grateful for a birthday that falls at the end of the year because, you know, what a crazy year it has been. Just when my spirit was feeling faint, I was sent showers of blessings by way of phone calls, texts, FB posts, cards and balloons. These were all sent with their own special message from friends and family.

I have spoken before about September and how it has always seemed a new beginning to me. It was beginning of the school year, my age ticked over another year and later in life I learned it is beginning of God’s timetable for the New Year (Rosh Hashanah) which often begins in September.

This year my birthday fell within the Ten Days of Awe (or Repentance) which are the the first ten days of the month of Tishri. It begins on Rosh Hashanah and ends on the holiest day in the Jewish calendar Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. These days are days for reevaluating how one lives day to day, repenting for misdeeds and a time of self introspection to weed out the sin and behaviors that fall short of God’s plan for life. Today, I am determined to make changes, to reassess my life and purpose.

This year more than ever there is a need to forgive ourselves, forgive others, turn our backs on sin and hate, and look forward to the new life and year ahead.

This year, once again, I am loved and encouraged. I am also thankful, always thankful because life is a gift.

Speak to Me

How long Lord, how long?

No regaining what was lost
Is there not a cure?
Is there not an answer
To ease this pain?

How long Lord, how long?

It is seven years of suffering,
Seven years of fighting,
Seven years of youth gone
Seven years too long.

How long Lord, how long?

When can there be freedom?
Freedom from agony…
Freedom from medication…
Freedom from heartbreak ?

How long Lord, how long?

What was the crime for this?
What is the gain?
How can this be turned for good?
Don’t understand, I can’t see how.

How long Lord, how long?

Have the prayers fallen on deaf ears?
Was it my sin?
Will I ever see the joy
Will happiness and health return?

Lord, I wait.
Lord I cry out to you…
Lord please hear my plea,
Lord my prayers are exhausted.

How long Lord, how long?

Psalm 61:1-2
Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Photo: The Encounter painting by Daniel Cariola, located in Magdala, Israel

Sexual Abuse, Teen Moms and Family CuRseS

I am a child sexual abuse survivor. I was a teen mom. My mother was a teen mom and I found out later also sexually abused. Now my granddaughter is pregnant. She also abused by her mother’s boyfriend. Is this a pattern or a curse? Is there cause and effect in play?

My mom’s story goes a like this. She was raised in an upper middle class family in south Texas. She had a stern strong father figure who dominated the home and a subservient mother the traditional 1930’s and 40’s.

The family did many recreational things together. Her father owned a boat and they spent many weekends out on the coast of Galveston enjoying the sun and sea.

When my mother was 14 her life was uprooted and turned around. Her father met another woman and divorced her mother after 23 years of marriage. This sent her mother into a state of mental decline. She took my mother and went back to her family in Virginia but long before my mother left for VA there were family secrets. She had been sexually abused by her oldest brother.

In VA she was as lost as her mother, no friends, insecure, in a new place, no emotional support. It was then she met a handsome young man just out of the Navy, seven years her senior. She was looking to be loved, looking to belong, looking to escape. They eloped when she was only 16. She became a mother shortly after her 17th birthday.

Me: Raised in a poor southern home with no memory of that tall veteran my mother married. After years of battery and abuse she left him and returned to Texas. Her father, now wealthy, helped out meagerly by doling out dribs and drabs of support. There she met and married a “good old country boy. “

Raised in East Texas he had no education but left home and hit the road as a bull rider. He was a hard worker. He did odd jobs and dug ditches and gave all he earned in support to my mother and her 3 children. He also was a strict southern raised disciplinarian… spare the rod spoil the child. Do not answer back, do not speak up, do not question or you will be beat into submission. I was a shy compliant child that made straight A’s in school, even so, I was “whooped” regularly with a belt.

Just like my mother I had two older brothers. However, unfortunately, both mine sexually abused me along with other family “friends” starting when I was young, very young; it began long before I started school. I have always had an old soul and at the time, I felt a huge responsibility to keep this abuse to myself. Along with the fact I was told to keep silent. My mother was also emotionally fragile and I knew it would destroy her. After all, how could she know or imagine what was going on? Imagine my anger and disappointment at her failure to protect me when I found out, many years later, that she should have known.

At 14, the “good old country boy” left my mother for another woman. Really the only father I had known was now gone. My mother, like her own, went through an emotionally tail spin and remarried very quickly (6 months) to the first man that paid attention to her. Problem was he paid also paid attention to me. Grabbing, kissing, inappropriate speech and once again, I was silent and protecting my mother.

Around that time a tall young man, 18, appeared on the scene. The son of a local restaurant owner who was a friend of the grabber. He offered an escape, perhaps he was looking to escape too or in search of an unspoken need. Many of us had wounded souls. I don’t know for certain but at 14, I was pregnant; we quickly married and left Texas in the rear-view mirror.

When I look back the driving force behind my actions, I see I was just getting away. Getting away from the creeper and the emotional suffocation; longing to just be free, protected and to breathe.

I was a mother at 15.

As much as I longed for one, thankfully I never had a daughter, but three sons. Possible this curse of abuse, looking for love and escape was broken.

At 48, I became a grandmother to a beautiful blue-eyed blonde. Her parents unmarried, were raising her jointly. I prayed for her divine protection. Her mother emotionally unbalanced on bipolar medication did some very strange things. Her father, my son, a military veteran and police officer offered a strict but loving solid foundation. She was shifted uncontrollably through the whirlwind of these two very divergent worlds.

My heart was once again broken when I learned last year that my beautiful granddaughter had been abused by her mother’s boyfriend. This abuse going back several years was revealed when she was 16. When her mother was confronted with evil, she defended her lover. She called her daughter a liar and many other things as she denied this evil. Now because of legal issues there is no contact between them. My granddaughter mourns for her mother, she still loves her (hard for a child to forget the good memories) but she is heartbroken over the betrayal that her mother has chosen her abuser over her.

Abuse, pain and loss. It repeats, and now a one year later my 17-year-old granddaughter is pregnant.

Was she looking for love and acceptance? Was she looking to escape? My heart breaks for the difficulties and trials that lie ahead for her.

What is this? I often wonder is there a family or generational curse? Women abused, taken advantage of by men who walk away and leave their victims to pick up the pieces. Searching to fix our brokenness. As adults we try to put the pieces of what we lost, the innocence, our childhood, our sexuality back together into a life that can bring happiness and success. Some of us succeed better than others.

Look around, listen to the news it is prevalent. A shame and stain on society that many turn their back on and refuse to see. It is a societal curse rooted in the most vile evil. How can we break this cycle?

See us, save us.

Friends to the End

The anniversary of my birth is fast approaching and I got an early birthday card from Uncle Sam. A Medicare card with my name on it. Le sigh

This revelation that I am getting older has me sorting and purging through things I have kept for years; things kept for good reason and no good reason at all.

Through this sort I took a second and third look at a very old friend. He has been a permanent fixture in my sewing room the past couple of decades although I cannot remember a time he wasn’t with me.

I’ve long forgotten his childhood name, but he’s traveled with me as I moved around the US… Texas, Florida, Alaska, Colorado and with me still in the PNW.

He has been a silent witness through my childhood, love, marriage, motherhood, all of it the good and bad.

At most times I have taken him for granted and never give him a serious look. He is showing his age, he’s been through the wringer a few times. He lost an ear that I was going to sew back on one day but by time I got around to getting it done, the ear couldn’t be found. He’s been restuffed, stitched up, his fur can’t quite lose it’s dirty shadow and his seams are coming apart. All these things are beautiful to me.

So as I approach this milestone birthday and I take a good look at this old friend. I decide he’s staying until the end and after all we’ve been through together, just like me, he’s still smiling.