Not all Hope is Lost

This year 2020 is now more than half over and I revisited my New Year’s Day poem that expressed my hope for the coming year and decade.  As I read it now and knowing all that has transpired, I couldhope3 easily toss it all away and say there is no hope left.  However, I refuse to do that.  I will not let the virus, the unrest, the violence or the drama get me down.  I will continue to believe there is HOPE for a brighter future for us all, but we must look towards the future, learn from the past but do not live there.

Hope for a New Year and a New Decade

As we start a new decade,
Begin a New Year
I am encouraged with hope
For all I hold dear

Hope for family,
The old and the young,
Hope for dreams for a future
And every song unsung

Hope for those who are struggling
With trials in their life,
Hope that would well up inside them
Through the turmoil and the strife.

Hope for friends and for family
Living near and faraway;
Hope for the day that we are reunited,
In our homes or on holiday.

Hope for peace far and near,
For nations and people everywhere,
Hope that we can explore
more kindness
As opposed to the tension in the air

A new year is dawning
Three hundred and sixty-six
days ahead,
Hope that each one is full of promise
With never a kind word left unsaid

A new decade is before us,
Ten years into the unknown,
May hope always be a our
guiding light
Knowing we are not alone.

Trish © 1/1/2020

The Last Time

I wish I could remember
The last time I touched or saw you,
As I departed was it with a joke and smile,
Or were you sad or blue?

I wish I could remember
What the words were we said,
And as we said our goodbyes
If any tears were shed.

I wish I had only known
That touch would be our last,
And that we’d be kept apart
By a quarantine that came along so fast.

I’m certain that we always
Left with an embrace and a kiss,
But little did we know
About the time we’d miss.

I wish I had only known
That visit would be the last
And with this awful illness
You’d be gone so fast.

I wish I could remember
If I held you extra tight
Or if you stood to watch
As I disappeared from sight.

I wish I could remember
That day so long ago
A day that was like any other
Except for what we didn’t know.

I wish I could remember
As it held our last earthly embrace
But we’ll embrace again
When we see the Father’s face.

Trish ©️

America’s Brotherhood

Today is day number 183 of the year with 183 days left; half way through this year 2020. I want to believe that everyday for the rest of the year will not be tragedy among tragedy but I do not have any real hope we will make it through the coming weekend without the world falling into an abyss.

It is as if we are in an altered universe. For the past few years there has been a pot of continuously simmering hot water. With Covid19, the noodles (us) were thrown in the pot and now the foam is bubbling over the top. The noodles in the pot are done but the heat will not turn down until we break apart.

Independence Day weekend is upon us, I will be praying for the first responders more fervently than ever as I fear many people will use the holiday to create further mayhem and destruction.

We are standing on the dividing line. It’s time for the rest of us to stop being noodles, remove the pot from the fire before it is too late, stand up and show our brotherhood and outshine the hate.

“ America, America God shed his grace on thee;
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea”
