Family of the Heart

Thankful for family… those by blood and those by heart.

Without getting too deep into the crazy mix of my family, I want to say I am so thankful for the family God has put in my life. Especially, Karen who joined my family circle in a crisis and has stayed through many highs and lows over the years.

Karen is the wife of my ex and we met when my oldest son was in the hospital after a near-fatal motorcycle accident 27 years ago. She has always accepted me as a part of her family. This past week she has put in three long days helping me and my siblings clean out my mother’s house, above and beyond any obligation or call of duty she had. We had many moments of laughter and it surely takes a saint to work through 40 years of clutter and dust.

Much love to you Karen ❤️ I know you’ve found many family members lately through DNA but my mom told me one time you told her we were “buds”. We are more than that, we are sisters.

I am truly thankful for and send much love to Paulette and PJ too. My mother is truly blessed to have them as her children.

Karen below after taking the last kitty cat figurine off the shelf. She says she is smiling!!