You Don’t Really Want to Know


For that matter most don’t really want to hear about it either.  Sexual abuse and the exploitation of young women and girls.  Please refer back to My Voice  where I attempt to explain the modern movements for transgender rights and how they infringe on the rights of the sexually abused.

An abused child… a young child abused by family friends and family members.  I am in my sixties and I still can not reconcile my emotions about it all.

I didn’t speak of my abuse until I was nearly 50, when I attempted to explain the trauma and effects that still haunt me, I was met with responses like… ‘That was a long time ago, what difference does it make now.” Or “You should move on and stop living in the past”

It made people uncomfortable that they had turned a blind eye to this scourge and assault against children. Abusing them at the same time telling them to be pure and moral.

#MeToo.  There is an  outrage going on right now with a social media hashtag #metoo. Does a wink, a proposition or off color joke equate equally to a violent rape or the rape and a molestation of a child? Does #metoo lessen the seriousness and  the tragedy of  these victims? In some cases is the response disproportionate to the event?

Why the outrage now? Did it become fashionable to be part of #metoo?

The ‘casting couch’ was something that was talked about for years.  Hugh Hefner exploited women and was lauded for years for his progressive views on sexuality.  Hollywood regularly puts out ‘art’ that shows abuse of woman.  Some woman were often willing to participate in quid-quo-pro arrangements for varying reasons that benefited their objectives.

So if someone #metoo and 20 people respond with sad emoticons, that should make it all better now, right?

No, it doesn’t make it better for victims, true victims of true crimes.

We live in a fallen deprived world.  Teachers abusing students, priests abusing children, fathers, brothers, cousins abusing young family members, it is going on maybe as close as next door.   

Someone asked me, how do we find these victims?  Sadly, it is difficult if not impossible. Fear, threats and intimidation keep children silent.

This note started almost one year ago, but never published because… because it’s complicated, because I had opposing views on the issue that I couldn’t quite articulate in a way that fully explained my views.

Now, one year later, we have a situation where an accusation is made from 36 years ago.  Who to believe?

The events that occurred in my youth have taken me through varying stages; Secrecy, declaration, aggression, anger, shame, acceptance, understanding and forgiveness.   It will always be part of my history and there are times it causes a reaction that surprises me and can instantly transport me to a place I thought I had moved beyond.

Yet, when I hear people say, “Every woman should be heard.” My response was, “but not every woman should be believed.”

All women are not inherently pure, honest and free of evil.  Nor are all men inherently dark, deceitful, and predators.

Both groups are human.  Examples of good and bad in each are recorded throughout history.

I have known several men who have been falsely accused for various reasons by women, all of which are or were self-serving so that they could obtain what they wanted  by any means necessary.  It is a disgusting evil, not in the same category as the former but can destroy a person just the same.

I don’t have a firm opinion who is right and who is wrong in the current media circus and collective outrage over the confirmation hearings.  However, the manner in which these accusations were handled and politicized, are suspect to me. Because of life experiences, I cannot condemn him or her.

It is tragedy all around being played out before our eyes.   I am not a fan of the media and this cynical assessment of them started over 30 years ago.  I have always felt they have a lot of power to manipulate, indoctrinate and influence people.  I question the motives of the political ruling class and I don’t have a high regard for attorneys. All of the above can twist information to cross the line of truth, travel along the path of truth but never truly tell the truth and nothing but truth; only a shadow of it.

In the end, I will maintain my peace.  Nothing that is going on is going to destroy my relationships with my family or friends.  Each of us have a history that leads us to our own conclusions. I believe the ultimate goal is to divide us, build up hate and resentment between us so that they, those in power or those who want power, can achieve their objectives.

Remember this and if you are a victim of abuse, assault or false acquisitions have faith that in the end, like Job, we don’t know why we suffered these tragedies but it one day it will be made clear.

Psalms 34:19

The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all;

The Sweetness of Home

658CEC94-804F-4E2B-ACA8-3E4282B858B9Be it ever so humble there is no place like home. This old house had been my mother’s home since 1974. She wanted to breath her last breath here but it was not to be. Today she accepted that her new home is the nursing facility in her hometown.

A long emotional week but I know it is the right decision.

So many things fell into place today, I know God was guiding us through every step.

Another season of life.

I am so thankful for my friend and sister Paulette for her love and support. Sisters not by blood but by heart ❤️ We struggled, laughed and cried through it all. I love you sis.

God’s Final Call

IMG_1357We are without time
Drifting in an empty space,
Somewhere between earth and eternity
A holy solemn place.

Waiting, waiting, holding on
Counting every breath,
What’s the purpose of this slow suffering,
Lingering between life and death?

Oh Lord, we wanted him so to stay,
We prayed his life you’d extend
But now oh Lord we have let go,
Please let his trials end.

Please touch us Lord
Hold us close, send us your peace
Call your angels to his side,
For heaven is where his glory will increase.

We are without time,
Drifting in an empty space
Waiting God’s final call
With His mercy and His grace.

©️Trish Bee

September 2018