Changing Cycles

  • 43DDB189-ADD2-4167-89FD-928B42DF89A2These thoughts from 18 months ago reached out to me again today and seem more relevant than ever.


I’ve been thinking a lot about life and the cycles of life and how sometimes it can change, in a short period if time, never to be how it was before again.  

It is not the subtle changes, it is the significant ones.  The cycles can remain unchanged for years, there may be bumps and slight detours along the way but basically you are on a journey and the path is familiar and comfortable.  Then comes an event that totally turns your world around, and returning to the previous day and age is not possible.   You enter a new cycle it seems to be a dramatic step in the direction which your life will make an irreversible change. 

Adapting to this change in  cycle feels hollow, you are lost, unsteady in your action and unsure of what even tomorrow might bring.  You can no longer look at tomorrow and somewhat predict its possibilities.  So each day begins with a deep breath and faith that you will survive whatever comes your way. 


Hatred is like a weed that grows and spreads its seeds with the wind.

Hatred is the wind that blows its discourse through the trees.

Hatred is like tree with a shadow so great that nothing grows beneath it.

Hatred is like a shadow that darkens the depths of your heart.

Hatred is like your heart with no blood and nothing to pump to your veins.

Hatred is like your veins with no life left in them.

Hatred is death.

Hatred disguises itself as things that Sound so gentle… seeds, wind, trees, shadows and hearts and life giving veins. That is how It creeps into your life recognize it before it’s too late.

Trish ©️ 2018