Unsettled Brain

It is 3AM and I am wide awake since 1… so many thoughts going through my head, lots of issues, globally, locally, and within me and not a one of them do I have answers for. Oh dear.

My brain seems to want to go over every possible scenario. Funny because in the past when my brain has thought it has covered it all, life and situations never unfold in any of the ways that my brain has rehearsed. Time moves on and life will happen according to God’s plan not mine.

A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Heroes in Blue

image1With the tearful heart of a Mother,
I watch this procession of Blue.
To lay to rest a Hero,
Who’s sacrifice was loyal and was true.

The streets are lined with Souls,
With their hands upon their Hearts.
They bow their heads and say a prayer,
For this Hero did His part.

To protect the innocent and the weak,
He placed his life on the line.
His reward on earth may be shallow,
But his Heavenly reward Divine.

Thank you Heavenly Father
For this servant they lay to Rest.
May it always bring to my memory
That because of them we’re blessed.

^i^ Trish©️2018