Villains and Superheros

TOXIC MEGACOLON sounds like it should be the evil villain in a sci-fi movie, but it is much more evil than that.

The first time I heard this term was in May 2013.  Someone I love was in the the hospital with Pancreatitis and a severe flair of Colitis.  Steroids were being administered to fight the inflammation and disease but to no avail.  I look back now and realize how totally clueless I was about the dangers and horrors of this disease.

After steroids, next stop is Biologics… “Biologics are genetically-engineered proteins derived from human genes. They are designed to inhibit specific components of the immune system that play pivotal roles in fueling inflammation…”  The message was always coming from the medical team…”you should be feeling better, start eating, you’ll be home soon.”  They seemed puzzled the pain was persisting and at times, they seemed totally indifferent and doubtful about the degree of pain ‌involved.

One begins to feel like the paranoid person in a horror movie that keeps telling people that there is a monster outside but no one believes them.  Until they see for themselves the villain,  TOXIC MEGACOLON.

Suddenly everything changes, all the big guns are brought in because it is “life threatening” ~ surgery is required IMMEDIATELY if not sooner.  One does not even have the time to find out what this horrible villain is….it just is and it’s BAD.

How long does it take to recover from an encounter with TMC?  A long time.  They removed the offending villain…but it was dying anyway.  The goal was not to let it take you with it.

IBD, both Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, is a horrible disease.  A crappy disease and it can turn to a deadly disease.  A fact I totally missed. We need a cure, because removing one’s colon no matter how big a villain it has become, is not a cure. It doesn’t stop the pain, the fatigue, the overabundant need to visit the loo, the other side effect that come with it, inflamed  joints, skin disorders, pyoderma gangrenosum, liver issues, and pancreatitis which is related in some unknown way.

In contrast to this villain, there are many Superheros; they raise funds, bring awareness, offer comfort and encouragement to others.  I am thankful for all the SUPERHEROS I have met in this battle for a cure. We will continue until this villain is defeated.


Feeling very philosophical on this flight home from Dallas.  It was a journey of love and devotion with uncertain results and conclusions.  

However, after  a couple of Bloody Mary’s which always seem to  taste so superb in-flights my seatmate shows me an article that says there is a scientific reason they taste better at 30,000 feet.  

Anyway back to my sentimental musings… I just watched “Collateral Beauty” with Will Smith.  Oh my gosh… now I am boo-hooing in my seat and those around me are thinking I should have skipped the Bloody Mary’s (the very good 30,000 feet ones).  

The movie is a real heart string puller about life, love and death and time… all of which I have given a lot of thought to in recent years. 

Which once again brings me back to a quote from Lee Cowin from four years ago…

[This tragedy] serves as reminder that “we don’t get to set life’s clock.” and that while we all think we have a tomorrow to say whatever we need to say, sometimes tomorrow never comes.