Our Little Town

IMG_1782And…. people wonder why there is so much divisiveness, anger, and unrest in our country? Look no further than “Our Little Town.”

In a nutshell, a female someone parked in a “restaurant only” parking spot and went to a movie next door. She claims she intended to eat at the restaurant following the movie. Well, when she exited the movie theatre her car had been towed. She claims that when she confronted the restaurateur he yelled at her and was unkind. (Something tells me she might have been a bit excited too, but doesn’t say.)

The female movie goer makes a post on a town blog and then on Yelp. Following her post, hundreds of the townspeople have taken on her offense and began telling people not to patronize the restaurant. Even more people started relaying awful experiences they had at said restaurant which previously had mostly rave reviews.

In the restaurateur’s defense, another group started posting that they love the place. They tell it is clearly marked parking is for the restaurant only and perhaps the movie goer should have checked with restauranteur before leaving her vehicle for an hour and a half.

So here it is… people have taken sides in the debate and are attacking each other over something that did not even involve them, they did not witness, they know not all the facts and really is inconsequential in the bigger picture of things.

Finally, one can keep this little fact in mind… “Our Little Town” ~ North Bend, WA – the home of Twin Peaks! A show described as quirky, surreal, melodramatic, supernatural, and with dubious activities.

New episodes coming soon on your TV and just down the street.

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