Life is a Mystery

The timing of connections and losses are the fine intricate dance of life.

Life is fragile – knowing that nothing about tomorrow is guaranteed.

Why does one door open as another closes? What reasoning keeps them closed until the opportunity is past?

There is a  familial connection through our DNA that binds are hearts tenderly with a golden thread.

Know that the paths which are directed by God are ones with design and purpose. Embrace those along that way.

We may never understand these tragedies of life. These are the mysteries of life that are only God’s to know.


Devine Protection

I’m claiming divine protection here for myself and my coworker, CJ —

Last Wednesday I was in a rush to get out the door for a trip to Denver. When CJ arrived at work she told me there were two young women sitting at the bottom of the stairs. She went down and talk to them and they said they were just trying to stay out of the rain while waiting for a ride.

Well an hour later they were still there wandering around; they’d come into the office and asked for money. Their original story had changed — it was all very suspicious. I asked CJ to call the police because I thought maybe they might be some young women that were being targeted for sex trafficking.

CJ said they’d claimed they had arrived via bus from a town nearby and they just needed a ride back they wanted to go to an area about 75 miles south. I told CJ I’m heading to the airport I could drop them off in the next town over.

Both CJ and another coworker strongly urged me not to do it.

Well only a few hour later the news was that two women in Town had carjacked someone and caused a serious accident.

Today we find out it was the two women outside the office. They had stolen a truck from another town and had guns that were stolen as well, after hanging around our office for two hours they went down to the retirement centre and tried to carjack an elderly lady.
The manager at the retirement centre came to her aid and was attacked as well. They fled in the truck at a high rate of speed they caused a head on collision with another car and were apprehended by the police.

An officer came to the office today and we are going to provide a video for them.

So as I said, I believe CJ and I were both divinely protected and I believe CJ’s straight talking and compassionate but firm kindness kept us from harm.



Vilified! HA

Really? Meryl thinks she is part of the most vilified segments in American Society? Hollywood? the media?

What about the military, the police… Muslims or Christians and people with traditional values?

You have a much too grandiose view of yourselves, Hollywood… without you, I have more to do than watch mixed martial arts and sports.

I can watch the sunrise or sunset, I look out into space at the thousands of stars, watch the birds in the park or the wildlife all around me. I can go to the park, I can visit the mountains, I can entertain friends, I can plant a garden, I can visit the sick, I can travel….

Pat each other on the back at your exclusive award shows and tell each other how great you are. You are no wiser, smarter or more talented than a lot of other Americans, you just have different talents. Can you design bridges, transplant organs, build airplanes, write software or any of of the thousands of skills and talents the rest of America has been trained to do?

Foreigners? I noticed you grouped yourself with them. Yes, some are unfairly judged or treated but the majority of law abiding, hard working people from other countries are respected and welcomed into this country.

I married one. I have many others in my circle of family and friends.

Time to throw out my copy of “Out of Africa”