Day is Done

“Day is done; gone the sun, from the lakes, from the hills, from the sky. All is was well, safely rest, God is nigh. “

Well here we are on election eve. I voted but I still find myself afraid she/he will or she/he won’t!

What an awful place to find one’s self. No certainty or strong assurance in either candidate.

Praying that win or lose the hype of all the past year is just hype. That the negative about either candidate does not ring true once they enter office. Praying that they they will enter office with solemn commitment to serve all of the people with a humility and an understanding of the great responsibility the people have entrusted to them.

Praying that we have not become so far divided that we cannot connect and find a mutual respect and understanding with one another.

Finally, I am praying that God is indeed nigh, that he has his eye and blessing still on us. That we will remain the beacon of light that draws people from all corners of the earth to our shores.