But what about those RED CUPS?

Really, who is even upset about this? I keep hearing from the side that thinks it is ridiculous (as do I) but I’ve yet to see anyone who has complained.
Hey this is such a “non problem” it is hard to believe it is not a joke. I know lots of conservatives and lots of Christians and NONE of them give a hoot whether there are snowflakes on the dang cups.
Honestly, this a prime example of a “First World” non-problem that someone thinks it deserves attention. I looked up “who complained” and it looks like it started with some self-proclaimed conservative blogger. Someone who does not speak for me, nor do I think he speaks for conservatives, or Christians, or liberals. He’s just a person with an opinion.
I’m not at “War on Christmas” and yet, I don’t send Christmas cards via our business. ((Horrors))) I send Thanksgiving cards because it is a truly American Holiday and we have so much to be thankful for. I REPEAT; we have so much to be thankful for!!
Sadly, it is not just this issue, but so many other unimportant things that people are complaining about that is wrong with America… again, I say really this is worth all this uproar?   America has some issues because we are made of humans…many different kinds of humans with vast differences in our backgrounds and experiences, but we are working it out day by day. We humans are fallible and we are changing and growing, so give each other the benefits of the doubt. Be more accepting and understanding.
Every day I see things that I could take offense to, things I don’t agree with or believe in. And yes, there are some things important enough to speak out about; speak out about respectfully. However, if we don’t stop doing this, taking offense to Every, Little, Thing, and if we don’t try understanding and accepting our differences, we will tear apart everything that is good in America.
Better than our faults, there is so much right about America it could fill a library. We have people from every race and nation on the globe; freedom of religion; freedom of speech; we are generous; we are fair (to a fault); we have the breadbasket of the world within our borders; we have opportunities; we have mountains and oceans; vast plains and beaches; lakes and rivers; cities and farms; grocery stores and food banks; homes and shelters; buses and cars; and by gosh coffee shops, with hot coffee in red cups.
In this month of Thanksgiving, please give thanks for it all.