~ Oh September

Good night August and Good Morning September!

I Love September!  The last few warm days of Summer – cool crisp air in the mornings with that unique September scent. It reminds me of early morning walks to the school bus stop.

I love it because some of my favorite people were born in September – my grandmother, my Auntie, many of my “sisters” and me.

The new year is January 1st but September to me always seemed like a new start. Probably because it was the beginning of the school year and because my age ticked over another year but later in life I learned it is the beginning of God’s timetable for the New Year (Rosh Hashanah) which often begins in September. It makes sense now. It’s a time for a change, reassessing my life and purpose; turning my back on what’s behind and looking forward to the year ahead.

So Happy September everyone! Be blessed and enjoy