Life’s Clock

Originally written April 21, 2013.  Little did I know that in few short weeks my life would be turned upside down and I would be looking at the reality that I could lose my son to a deadly illness.  Lesson, lived.  Remember we do not know what tomorrow will bring; live as if today might be your last.

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I woke up this morning and heard a statement on a morning show that put me on a thought path that is just playing over and over in my head today.

The Statement was: (Paraphrased) The victims of last week’s bombing and the explosion in Texas had no idea when they left there house that morning that day would be their last.

Reporter Lee Cowan said, it …” serves as reminder that we don’t get to set life’s clock.” and that while we all think we have a tomorrow to say whatever we need to say sometimes tomorrow never comes.

Then as this theme is running through my head, I am working upstairs trying to catch up on accounting there is a movie playing in the background called “What If.” Similar thought and theme. We are all so busy with life and goals that we let it interfere with living and letting those we love know how much we appreciate them.

To that end. All my friends know that I appreciate you all. Hopefully at times along the way I have succeeded in showing you how much I care and love you; but please forgive me when I have failed to listen, put other things less important first and have done and said stupid things that hurt you. Forgive my humanness, selfishness and impatience.

I will try and hear more carefully what I say and watch more carefully in how respond. I pray that I will always be reminded that “I do not get to set life’s clock.”

Sadly Evil Exists

Life for me rolls along and from the comfort my home I hear the stories of missing planes, planes shot from the sky, wars, suffering, children dying and suffering, people being beheaded, riots, anger… I want to believe there is good to be found in everyone, but I am beginning to see how that belief can become a fatal flaw.

It is distressing;  what can I do to help in the bigger picture?
Give, speak up, pray?  Sometimes I wonder if any of it helps. I don’t understand evil, but must acknowledge it exists and understand sometimes it takes fighting back to defeat it.  I am thankful those who step up to fight that battle for me (us).