A Long Hard Summer

1 September 2013

Summer – Memorial Day to Labor Day the season I long for the other 8 months in the year, but this has been one long hard summer.

It’s Labor day weekend and I am sitting in  a hospital room watching my son sleep.  Rewind to Memorial Day;  I was doing the same thing but the morning of Memorial Day little did I know the events that lay ahead.

I went from the unknown, to harsh reality, to moments when I was afraid to breathe for fear that if I took a breath time would move forward in a way I couldn’t bear.

On the darkest days in my soul, I would look outside at a glorious blue sky and the views of Puget Sound and the mountains.  They were reminders of the beauty in nature.  The gifts God gives us all to take in and give us pause, to take a deep breath; to know that the God who created all this majesty, beauty and glory cares for me.

Today we have more answers;  there are still challenges ahead, but I know that the love, support and prayers of all my friends and family that saw us through this long summer will help us support him through the all of these.

Summer; that gap in between Memorial Day to Labor Day ~ I didn’t mow my grass once, didn’t get into the pool, didn’t see my garden flourish with blossoms.  However,  I did enjoy the green pastures of God’s lawn surrounded by my friends that were flowers to my soul and I dove deep into the pool of God’s love.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul;
Psalms 23:1-3