
26 July 2014 at 19:56
From July 22, 2013

I’m journeying on.

In the center –not the young, or the grown but in need, and not the old on their way to you but still journeying the in this world.

DSCN2621Life In the crossroads. laughing at where I’ve been, the joy and the wonders, the sorrow and the tears.

Knowing that, I question where to turn and what turns lie ahead?

Understanding I am weak and small.

Generations previous faced these same questions and cross roads.

Did they just keep putting right over left and walk life out to end … Or did they find the answers to all its meaning purpose?

Longing and desiring answers and directions — are we just a speck in massively expansive universe?

Am a I just a grain of sand on a massive beach where we are indistinguishable one another from the other? is there something unique and different on this small crystal?

Will life on earth be different, better or worse. because I was a speck on your beach?

Journeying on, trying to understand – but all I can do is love you till the end of my time.

When to Hold On and When to Let Go

22 July 2013

Some time back I saw this message and wrote it down.  I was trying to reconcile a relationship and work out the steps of moving forward because I wanted so badly for it to continue.  Sadly, I am slowly learning a deeper lesson from it.

Forgive“Sometimes you choose to forgive people simply because you still want them in your life” … and sometimes doing so is futile because when you are dealing with mental illness or shear toxic self-absorbed behaviors there is no reconciliation, no peace, no harmony.

If that someone cannot address you with a civil tone, show some compassion and remain silent when there is no benefit in what is said; then your spirit and soul are better off removed from them.

Lies, manipulation, controlling, abusive, narcissistic, self-absorbed, playing the victim role, refusing to see their own faults and failures…these things lead to a heartache and destruction.

There comes a time to heal. Move beyond, and live a life free of the discontentment and destructive behaviors. Not everyone will grow and mature at the same pace but in their time, through life’s experiences, they will.

There comes a time to be set free from the crazy, the drama, the abuse. At those times, you are better off without certain people in your life.  Hard lesson but true… and sadly I am removing people from my life in the hope they can no longer hurt me and the ones I love.

So… “Sometimes you choose to forgive people even though you know they cannot remain in your life.”

A Mother’s Love


If a mother’s love could heal,
No one would ever see
A heart that’s aching for so long
As I can see in thee.

If a Mother’s heart could heal,
The pain would say adieu
The despair and grief would melt away.
Your bright future would shine through.

If a mother’s love could heal,
Wounds would disappear:
Mighty strength would return
And the answers would be clear.

Oh if a Mother’s heart could heal,
I know mine would have done,
Because never has a heart so loved
As I have for you dear son (one).

Emyloom 2013©️