My Journey is Not Always My Own

10 June 2010

I got up this morning planning my day and the things I had to do; getting gas was the first thing.  As I drive around the corner from my house I see 50 people standing in the road… The road is flooded. It has in the past flooded in this place and after all it has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights!

I get closer and see it’s deeper and wider and extremely muddy and I’ve got to pick up my son from the hospital….what to do? I go home get DrB’s vehicle thinking I’ll take the Mainline (logging) road to get out.

I live at the end of a road and there is really only one way in unless they open Mainline when it floods. I asked someone if they know if the Mainline was open…. No, it’s not open, it’s washed out! I charge ahead through the muddy mess with DrB’s vehicle.  On the other side the county guys tell me a beaver dam washed out on the Mainline road.  A beaver dam?

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9flood